Toddle is going open-source!

Toddle is a front end No-Code platform that has just announced it is going to go open source later in the year!

Now what does this mean?

Toddle plans to approach this in two phases.

Phase 1: Self-Hosting

This will allow toddle users to host their application from anywhere they want and have full control over their application. They will also release a language specification for toddle development.

Phase 2: Run your own toddle

They will allow users to build and run toddle applications without toddle’s hosting platform.

Ultimately, this will mean that toddle users will actually own their application and have the freedom to host their apps from anywhere they want, giving them true ownership over their work.

This move by Toddle is huge and will hopefully encourage more No Code platforms to follow suit.

If you would like to read more about this they have released and article here: